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*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 24hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking. Fares are one-way, non-refundable, taxes and fees included. Additional fees and charges for optional products and services may apply. Limited seats available for a limited time. Conditions apply.

otentiks camping

Thirty-five minutes east of Edmonton lies a wild oasis. The perfect place to day-hike, canoe, camp or spot some bison. Elk Island National Park is also a designated dark sky preserve and the cornerstone of Canada's bison conservation. Whether you're new to camping or simply want to avoid the hassle of buying and setting up your own gear, Elk Island National Park offers you the luxury of calling one of their Tipis, Cabins, or oTENTiks home.

camp like a local >

paddle through edmonton

Paddle your way through the North Saskatchewan River Valley spotting wildlife, and taking in Edmonton's beautiful skyline. Haskin Canoe's are a one-of-a-kind opportunity to transport through Edmonton's backyard. You'll enjoy the serenity of this water adventure and may even be lucky enough to hear the distant cry of a loon or splash of a beaver.

see edmonton through the river >

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