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thunder cove and teacup rock

Thunder Cove and Teacup Rock bring two gems into one. Both can be found along the same stretch of coastline at the western end of Prince Edward Island. Thunder Cove is a series of caves, cliffs and sea stacks that have been sculpted by the awesome forces of wind and water and Teacup Rock is among this coastline’s most notable natural sculptures, often visited by kayakers, photographers and beach explorers.

visit thunder cove and teacup rock >

brackley beach

Located in P.E.I. National Park, Brackley Beach is only a short drive away from Charlottetown. The beach offers miles of pristine sandy beaches and majestic dunes with various nearby attractions to enthrall all guests to the region. The area is also home to the Dunes Galler featuring a restaurant and many unique art pieces as well as PEI’s only drive-in theatre, open from mid-May to mid-September.

visit brackley beach >