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halifax citadel

The Halifax Citadel is one of the city’s most popular tourist attractions. Originally built as a military fortification, this historic site gives you the opportunity to take a step back in time by dressing in authentic military uniforms while exploring its grounds. But the fun doesn’t stop there. To complete the experience, you have the opportunity to learn how to fire a real Snider-Enfield rifle. Guided and self-guided tours are also available for enjoying a less-involved experience.

visit halifax citadel >

halifax harbourfront

The Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk is dotted with shops, historical landmarks, and a variety of other exciting attractions, making it one of the most popular city walks in all of Canada. Notable attractions along the south to north walk include the Historic Properties buildings, a local casino, the Halifax Farmer’ Market and Garrison Brewery, and the Cable Wharf – not to mention a number of cute cafes for when it’s time to take a quick break and relax.

visit halifax harbourfront >