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the forks

At the confluence of the mighty Red and Assiniboine Rivers is The Fork, a lively shopping and entertainment district developed from an array of renovated historic buildings leftover from an old railway repair facility. Over the years, the local community has meticulously restore many of the buildings to house a colourful mixture of shops and services. Shoppers often visit a nearby lookout located in one of the renovated buildings to get a great birds-eye view of the surrounding area. But The Forms isn't all shopping. Just nearby are a few walking trails that take visitors along the riverfront and to other key Winnipeg attractions, including Shaw Park, where the Winnipeg Goldeyes play minor league baseball. 

walk around the forks >

canadian museum for human rights

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is a welcomed addition to the Winnipeg cultural scene that has quickly become a state-of-the-art landmark for the city. Advocating for human rights in Canada and around the world, the museum is knkown both for its unique architectural design and provocative human rights exhibitions, which have garnered a lot of attention for their often controversial presentations. 

visit the canadian museum for human rights >

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